20 February 2014

The Last Meal on Death Row

Today I read a piece about the last meals of 12 individuals on death row. It was very interesting to read the details about these people and see the pictures of their last meal, yet I found the whole situation quite unsettling. I feel like they are saying, "Enjoy a special meal on us for your troubles before we kill you." Very disturbing to me... If I was facing death, I would just want to be done...without a meal, just kill me.

I do not agree with the death penalty, and many of you will dislike me for saying so. I cannot comprehend why we have laws against murder, and then kill people. What does this teach? "Do as I say, not as I do," is what comes to mind. Often innocent people are on death row and many innocent people have died. I do not understand how this is justified, and then we have George Zimmerman and Casey Anthony roaming free. I am not saying they should be killed - just examples of people who I believe have more evidence against them than others on death row.

With all of that said, if someone ever harmed a person I love - would I change my mind?
Read the article, and tell me what you think.

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